So, the scenario is that we generate a PDF for forms we get the forms correct, but inside the forms we have added some special characters, when we generate PDF then how can we get rid of them. I have provided the example picture.
Formatting Tags generating PDF.
Answers approved by surveyjs Support
Do you apply the same markdown event for pdf export model as you do for survey model?
PS: Could you please provide your developer license? I can't see it in your account.
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SurveyJS Team
Other Answers
Basically I am using SurveyPDF function for exporting as PDF in which getting values from elements. The tags we are using are shown in Survey Form Creator is there any method we can get rid of the tags.
There is a reason you are using them in SurveyJS Creator and I guess you are handling survey.onTextMarkdown event in SurveyJS runner widget and likely in "Preview" tab in your designer. You have to handle the same event for SurveyJS Pdf model to render tags correctly. You can write the code to remove them manually, but it is better to use the same event again.
PS: I can't find a developer license on your account. If the license(s) has been purchased by a company using another domain, please ask your manager to assign it to your account. This technical forum for licensed customers only.
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SurveyJS Team