Question T195
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Support for mobile app

created 7 years ago

Hi Team,

We are planning to purchase the license for surveyJS. We would like to know few things before we proceed for purchasing

  1. What is the support for mobile application? we are planning to develop a survey which work as both web application and mobile application.
  2. how to customize our standard theme/styles/css into the code generated by surveyJS editor ?
  3. Can we get a demo on how to use this survey editor ?
Comments (1)


    1. Survey will work in mobile as well as in desktop browser, SurveyJS Editor is designed mostly for desktop usage
    2. You can customize survey appearance via CSS and javascript code, in this case you will need to write your CSS rules or JS code and add this files on your web page
    3. Our site contains a set of examples of editor usage

    Thanks, Serge
    SurveyJS Team