Question T19729
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Regarding the styling changes.

created 6 months ago

hi surveyJS team ,
we are facing some problem regarding the styling after upgrading to the V2 . we have done the imports in the angular JSON also please have a look on image. Clipboard-File-1.png still we are facing some styling related issues in the Survey Creator toolbox and other functionalities as shown in image.png
please let me know anything else need to do.
Thank You !

Answers approved by surveyjs Support

created 6 months ago

Thank you for sharing these screenshots. However, I do not see any issues with the code illustrated on your image. Creator styles are defined exactly as demonstrated in our code example: get-started-creator/angular/angular.json. I would recommend that you remove the package-lock.json and node_modules and reinstall npm packages. Also, you can check the get-started-creator/angular demo.

Let me know if you require further assistance.

    Show previous comments (1)

      No problem. Please feel free to contact us if you require further assistance.

      DK DK
      dheeraj-kulkarni0641 6 months ago

        Hello Jane , we tried above given solution but we are still having issue with the styling . getting this error in the console. will you please help us understanding why this error we are getting.

          For me to move forward and track the issue, I need to reproduce the issue on my end. Please share a minimal reproducible demo for research.