I would like to implement surveyjs with my djangoApp, where would an user be able to send questions, questions types and answers through my admin board. How could I send this info from my admin board to surveyjs and then again show it on my site. I couldnt find any work thats been done with python+django, so It would be very helpful to me if you could give me info on where to start and what to focus on.
Implementing surveyjs with django
Answers approved by surveyjs Support
SurevyJS is a JavaScript library working on the client side in web browser. Django is a server side framework that provides web pages and HTTP API. You web server should add SurveyJS scripts on web pages and process requests from the client. We have the following SurveyJS integration samples -
They have absolutely the same client side code and different server imlementations depending on the used programming language and server-side framework.
I believe if you are familiar with Django and web development it will be quite easy to port one of these samples to Python.
Thanks, Serge
SurveyJS Team
Yes, this would be helpful.
Not helpful.
Unfortunately, we are not Django experts. We need time to learn it and after it we can create an example. However, we have other tasks to do and we are working hard on releasing Creator V2.
As Serge wrote, we are Server agnostic. If you know django, then it should not be a problem to create a server that works with our libraries. It is actually not a lot of code. You can read our paper about integration our libraries into different apps.
Thank you,
SurveyJS Team
Django is extremely popular, I expect you have had similar requests in the past for a Django-SurveyJS seed project.
I am about 2 days from completing the integration of your survey package into a DJango-powered POC I am working on; I spent several days already.
I would extract an example from my work, add some documentation and open source it if I could justify spending the necessary time to make it ready for public consumption. Check out my site. Would you folks like to discuss a budget for a Django-SurveyJS seed project?
On 5/13/2021 3:50 PM, Andrew Telnov [surveyjs Support] wrote:
Hello Mike,
You are free to create your repository and make an example for Django to provide the community with new free resources. We can mention your repository in your docs with your permission. That is all we can do at the current moment.
Thank you,
SurveyJS Team
I am a software professional, and I do not work for free. If your organization would like to increase adoption of your product line by the Python community, a Django example would likely be the most effective way to make that happen. Should your organization decide to allocate a budget to that end, please let me know.
Thank you,
On 5/14/2021 2:35 AM, Andrew Telnov [surveyjs Support] wrote:
I believe django is a good framework, however you are the first one who is asking us about django implementation. It is possible that our users, including paid customers, use django, but they do not ask questions about integration with django.
I am sorry, but creating example for django is not on our radar right now, we have a lot of other urgent tasks.
Thank you,
SurveyJS Team
Here is the SurveyJS+Django seed project - https://github.com/tsv2013/surveyjs-django
Thanks, Serge
SurveyJS Team