I'm noticing that questions that are first answered, but hidden after a survey answer changes, are still counted in some page logic that I have later in the survey.
For example:
I have a question "B" that is visible if the radiobutton answer to question "A" is set to YES. If I set question A to YES, and fill the answer for question B, but then change the answer for question A to NO, question B is hidden again, but the answer is not cleared, and is still considered in logic that I have setup later in the survey.
How can this be fixed or circumvented? Thanks!
Hello Rayan,
Please take a look at survey.clearInvisibleValues property, https://surveyjs.io/Documentation/Library/?id=surveymodel#clearInvisibleValues
I guess, you need to set it to "onHidden"
Thank you,
That did the trick. Thanks!