I am using 0.12.16 knockout version of surveyjs library. I want to use mulitple surveys(in hundreds) on same page in my solution. I want to save the data filled in the survey on click of an external button(using completeLastPage()) and want to render the data again on the form instead of thank you page. Can you please help regarding same. I searched in Github issues/enhancement section, but didn't found any which can help me.
Please help me as soon as possible.
Also don't want to use Matrix type.
Thanks in advance
I've prepared a plunk with 2 surveys on the same web page for you: http://plnkr.co/edit/eNLGKlekURbzvWQ8uCkC?p=preview
Does it fit your needs?
But I want response data to pass to my server end. Actually I am getting issue in that.
Could you specify - what issue are you getting? Could you create a plunk illustrating the issue?