I would like to re-use small pre-existing Surveys in a new Survey. For instance - say we have three existing Surveys …
- Mastercard
- Visa
- Discover
Each one of the above three surveys has its own set of questions. I want to be able to create a question in a new survey called 'New Order Survey' with the following question text …
'Please select your Payment Method'
the available answers to this question are the names of the three existing Surveys (Mastercard, Visa, Discover).
When the user chooses a Payment Method the questions associated with that 'sub survey' are displayed and the user has to answer them.
The whole point of this is to be able to 'package' the questions associated with each credit-card in its own survey so that 'sub survey' can be re-used in a new survey without copying/pasting its questions.
Is this possible ? If so - how ?