I want to customize the names of tab given in survey designer. Like as marked in attached document.
how can i edit this?
I want to customize the names of tab given in survey designer. Like as marked in attached document.
how can i edit this?
You can use the following code to show page titles instead of names:
JavaScriptcreator.showObjectTitles = true;
Here is the working sample - https://plnkr.co/edit/oW6g5JgSxk6tOueVysqW?p=preview
Thanks, Serge
SurveyJS Team
Please read the following topic in our documetation.
JavaScriptvar curStrings = SurveyCreator.localization.getLocale("");
curStrings.ed.testSurvey = "Run Survey";
curStrings.ed.jsonEditor = "Edit as Text";
Thank you,
SurveyJS Team
Thanks Andrew. That was helpful
Now i want to update the text mentioned in dropdown. Is there is any way to update this text?