Question T2713
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Repeating column header in matrix table

created 5 years ago

Dear all

Costumers often complain that they no longer see the column header of a matrix table if the table gets long. In the past I often use several pages or just split the whole table into several others. In surveyjs the data structure of the answers is done by an array of answers within each matrix so it is not really handy to follow this approach anymore because to combine the answers I have to gather it from different objects.

Anyway, what I saw in other software like limesurvey is just a property that denote after how many iterations a header should be displayed again. So that would be an interesting feature also for others.

I guess there is no simple workaround known to achieve this at the moment?

Answers approved by surveyjs Support

created 5 years ago (modified 5 years ago)

You may have several matrices with different names but with the same valueName. In this case your data will be automatically combine, but you will show them in different tables.

Thank you,
SurveyJS Team

    Other Answers

    created 5 years ago

    Hi Andrew
    I tried to implement different tables with the same valueName, but the results are not combined. It simply returns an empty object.

    See …

    Or did I understand something wrong?

      Comments (3)

        Please use the following option for now: survey.clearInvisibleValues = "none";
        Here is the example.
        I will think how to make it work without workaround.

        Thank you,
        SurveyJS Team

          Thanks, yes It seems to do the trick in my example :-) I will try it out in my project later on.

            I have fixed the issue via this commit. You will not need a work-around since the next version, v1.1.14 that we will likely release on Tuesday, October, 1.

            Thank you,
            SurveyJS Team