Question T2734
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Call Function when edit element

created 5 years ago


I want to remove some class as design issues. So I want to call a function when click on edit icon.

How can i do that?

Answers approved by surveyjs Support

created 5 years ago


You can use the following rule to override current behaviour:

table.svd_items_table .form-group { display: table-cell !important; }

Here is the working sample -
Does it fit your needs?

Thanks, Serge
SurveyJS team

    Show previous comments (1)


      Unfortunately at this moment there is no event to remove "form-group" class from the markup. But I believe that is it possible to override desired behavior via CSS styles like in this sample -

      You can also use non-bootstrap theme (e.g. "default" like in this sample - so BS classes like "form-group" will not affect the behavior. Can you use this solution?

      Thanks, Serge
      SurveyJS Team

        If you can provide a minimal live sample illustrating your issue we could try to override the CSS styles.

        Thanks, Serge
        SurveyJS Team

          After some efforts working below code given by you.

          table.svd_items_table .form-group { display: table-cell !important; }

          Thanks Buddy

          created 5 years ago

          Do you mean, you want to call a function before showing Element (Question/Panel/Page/Survey) Editor?
          What do you want to do?

          Thank you,
          SurveyJS Team

            Other Answers

            created 5 years ago

            Yes, I want to do that on popup open. because it dynamically added to that class in list of item. I have applied css but it not override dynamically inserted class so I just want to remove that class when open popup.


              Comments (3)


                Could you specify - what exactly class/style do you want to override?

                Thanks, Serge
                SurveyJS Team

                  want to remove "form-group" class

                    please find the attachment

                    created 5 years ago


                    I have UI issue. attached screen shot.

                    So I Just want to remove some class from its css.

                    So when popup open when click on edit then want to call function.

                    May be you better know when to call function.

                    Element for which i want to remove css are in popup. so please advice.


                      Comments (1)

                        You have to fix your css classes on your html page. It should look fine.

                        Thank you,
                        SurveyJS Team