Question T2796
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Passing the context to SurveyJS from an existing React code

created 5 years ago

I have a codebase which is in React. I have a context Obj which I wanted to utilize it inside the SurveyJS library. The context object has info (example - current user's locale, preference of datetime format of the user, etc). I wanted to pass on this setting to SurveyJS so that the values when selected in the DateTime so show in the preferred format.

How do I achieve the above requirements? Even when the context is somehow passed to SurveyJS, where do I need to override the formatting settings so that the desired format shows up?

Also, for a survey which is loaded again with the previous responses, if I make 1 change to a question, should I be passing the entire payload as the JSON? Or, is there a way to send only the delta to the previously saved survey response?

Answers approved by surveyjs Support

created 5 years ago


You need to assign the property as shown in this live example -

Thanks, Serge
SurveyJS team

    Show previous comments (3)


      Do you want to make this object available for the all child components?
      The parameter={contextObj} is unknown property for Survey component. This property will not be passed in the child components and this property .

      Is it the common used technique to pass context object to react components? If we missed something in our design we'll be glad to fix it.

      If I understand your scenario you need to change the date format (and other similar locale-based settings). As I wrote earlier the preferred way to pass it is to set up survey model accordingly.

      Thanks, Serge
      SurveyJS Team

        Yes, I want this object available for all child components. I have added contextObj to the SurveyElementBase. Not sure if this is the right way though.
        I am not certain on the commonly used technique but I am using it this way.
        By the way, I am also looking for a way to change the number format. Let's say if the user has input 123456 in the control of type number, I might want to display it as 123,456 or 1,23,456. I tried changing this format using survey.getQuestionByValueName("QUESTION_NAME").displayValue = "123,456"; but it is not working as expected. How can I change the formatting for such controls?


          I've created a separate ticket on your behalf (T2839: Change the question format). It has been placed in our processing queue and will be answered shortly.