If you add a panel which contains a dynamic panel or just a dynamic panel to the tool box then try to add it to another page. It does not work.
Visible to All Users
Just retested. It looks like it does actually add the panel. You can see it in the JSON and if you test the survey. The issue is with the editor dispalying it in edit mode.
If you return to "your surveys" then click on the survey again it is visible.
Hello Justin,
I've checked your scenario - added dynamic panel the the toolbox and then added it to another page. It works ok for me. Please check attached screencasts - what I'm doing wrong? Or describe your exact scenario step by step.
in our service
and in my local sandbox
Thanks, Serge
SurveyJS Team
Hello Justin,
Are you using the latest version v0.97? I have fixed the bug you have reported early, the fix is available in v0.97. Probably it is the same bug, unless we missed something.
I have just tried it here: https://surveyjs.io/Editor/Editor/
Create a new page, drop a panel, drop and dynamic panel into it, then drop two questions into dynamic panel, add the root panel into the toolbox, create another page and drop a new added panel on on the page. It works as expected.
Thank you,
SurveyJS Team
I am using the editor on your site.
See the attached gif for the issue.
Justin, Could you please post the Panel JSON here? I just try to create the similar panel to reproduce the issue and I could not :-(
Thank you,
SurveyJS Team
This is the JSON for the page
{ "elements": [{ "type": "panel", "elements": [{ "type": "radiogroup", "choices": [{ "value": "1", "text": "Yes" }, { "value": "0", "text": "No" } ], "colCount": 2, "isRequired": true, "name": "own_other_assets", "title": " " }, { "type": "paneldynamic", "minPanelCount": 1, "name": "al_other_assets", "panelAddText": "Add another asset", "panelCount": 1, "templateElements": [{ "type": "text", "name": "asset_other_assets_type", "placeHolder": "Description of asset", "title": "Description of asset" }, { "type": "text", "inputType": "number", "name": "asset_other_assets_asset", "placeHolder": "Current market value", "title": "Current market value" }, { "type": "text", "inputType": "number", "name": "asset_other_assets_liability", "placeHolder": "Amount owed", "title": "Amount owed" }, { "type": "boolean", "defaultValue": "true", "name": "asset_other_assets_in_aud", "title": "Currency is AUD", "valueFalse": "0", "valueTrue": "1" }, { "type": "text", "name": "asset_other_assets_currency", "placeHolder": "Currency", "title": "Currency", "visible": false, "visibleIf": "{panel.asset_other_assets_in_aud}=false" }, { "type": "panel", "elements": [{ "type": "text", "defaultValue": 50, "inputType": "number", "name": "member_asset_other_assets_share", "placeHolder": "50%", "title": "<member field=\"member.first_name\"></member>" }, { "type": "text", "defaultValue": 50, "inputType": "number", "name": "partner_asset_other_assets_share", "placeHolder": "50%", "title": "<member field=\"partner.first_name\"></member>" } ], "name": "panel16", "title": "Share:" } ], "title": " ", "visible": false, "visibleIf": "{own_other_assets}=1" } ], "name": "panel15", "title": "Do you and/or your partner have any other assets (in or outside Australia) that you haven't already mentioned in this form?" }], "name": "page19" }
Thank you Justin. I have reproduced the issue. I will work on the fix.
I have found the reason and create a simple way to reproduce it: https://github.com/surveyjs/editor/issues/218
Thank you,
SurveyJS Team
FYI: The bug has been fixed, unit test is added.
Thank you,
SurveyJS Team