Question T2871
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Adding property in Vue App

created 5 years ago

Trying to evaluate this as our new engine to insert into a vue app. I have got most of the components I need to test running but,

Starting with the vue jumpstart project as a guide it does not appear that adding a new property works when using newer versions of vue and surveyjs. I can see the property in the console during debugging but it does not display in the question editor. Maybe I am just misunderstanding where to place the appropriate code.

Here is a link to an example where the property is instruct:text and when I add a question instruct is not in the right side editor.

Any help would be appreciated so we can make a more informed decision…

Answers approved by surveyjs Support

created 5 years ago


I've updated your codesandbox -

You have different property names - "instaruct" and "instructions", and you need to add the property to SurveyKo since survey-creator uses survey-knockout library:

SurveyKo.Serializer.addProperty("question", "instructions:text");

Thanks, Serge
SurveyJS Team