After following the installation guide at https://github.com/surveyjs/surveyjs_angular_cli
I had various errors with CKEditor dependency ('dir' undefined, 'config.js' not found - 404, and many moreā¦). Also, the 'ckeditor' package is deprecated. Can you possibly update to 'ckeditor4' or 'ckeditor4-angular' ? The only workaround for the too many CKEditor errors I found is to add the cdn link into the head of the page in the 'index.html' file.
Most importantly, I have unresolvable issues with knockout. When I load the survey creator onto my webpage, there is no issue. However,
when I first click on an element of the toolbox, i got the following stack trace:
CodeERROR TypeError: Unable to process binding "template: function(){return { name:'objecteditorproperty',afterRender:$parent.koAfterRender} }"
Message: Unable to process binding "template: function(){return { name:'propertyeditor-'+ editorTypeTemplate,data:$data.editor} }"
Message: Unable to process binding "template: function(){return { name:'propertyeditor-modal',data:$data} }"
Message: Unable to process binding "template: function(){return { name:'propertyeditor-modalcontent',data:$data} }"
Message: Unable to process binding "template: function(){return { name:'propertyeditorcontent-'+ editorTypeTemplate,data:$data,afterRender:$data.koAfterRender} }"
Message: Unable to process binding "if: function(){return $parent.hasAceEditor }"
Message: ace.require is not a function
at SurveyPropertyConditionEditor.get [as hasAceEditor] (survey-creator.js:5960)
at if (eval at parseBindingsString (knockout-latest.js:74), <anonymous>:1:70)
at a.o.l (knockout-latest.js:104)
at Function.yd (knockout-latest.js:55)
at Function.zd (knockout-latest.js:55)
at Function.ha (knockout-latest.js:54)
at Object.a.o.a.$ (knockout-latest.js:52)
at init (knockout-latest.js:104)
at knockout-latest.js:79
at Object.G (knockout-latest.js:41)
When I then click on another element of the toolbox or any other button (except the Save button which is all fine), I then get the following error each time :
Codecore.js:6014 ERROR TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at Object.Ua (knockout-latest.js:14)
at a.a.ec (knockout-latest.js:135)
at Object.G (knockout-latest.js:41)
at x (knockout-latest.js:127)
at a.ic.lc (knockout-latest.js:129)
at Function.notifySubscribers (knockout-latest.js:38)
at a.ic.c [as lc] (knockout-latest.js:48)
at Function.notifySubscribers (knockout-latest.js:38)
at Function.xa (knockout-latest.js:43)
at SurveyObjectEditor.c [as koProperties] (knockout-latest.js:42)
Despite these errors, the Survey Creator seems to be working correctly.
Thank you in advance.
We have a live sample with CK Editor on our site - https://surveyjs.io/Examples/Survey-Creator/?id=ckeditorpropertyeditor&theme=bootstrap
It works ok for me. Probably not all required by CK Editor scripts are included in to your application.
If this doesn't help please provide us with a sample illustrating the issue.
Thanks, Serge
SurveyJS Team
I tried adding the scripts in the head of my index.html file as in your example. That does not fixes any issue for me.
Therefore, I created a minimalist project strictly following the README.md installation guide at https://github.com/surveyjs/surveyjs_angular_cli.
After installing the dependencies and launching the server, you will be able to see the different errors I am facing.
I hope it will help you finding the causes of my issues.