Question T3309
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complete solution

created 5 years ago

I have reviewed survey.js.
I want to make a system with php and create surveys, fill these surveys by different users and output these surveys as excel.

Is there a complete solution where I can do all this?
I did not understand the solutions on the "Buy SurveyJS Developer License (s)" page

Answers approved by surveyjs Support

created 5 years ago

Our free survey service is an example of using our libraries. You can find more examples of using our libraries as service on this page.
SurveyJS Project is a set of libraries that can work together and separately.
SurveyJS Library under MIT license and SurveyJS Creator, Export To PDF and Analytics pack are under commercial license. You will have to buy a developer license to get the right of using them in your web application(s).

Thank you,
SurveyJS Team