I Use CK Editor as a property editor design survey but it not work when I answer, I've read a lot about it in the support
but there was no result can you give me an example
Thank you.
Use CK Editor as a property editor
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Answers approved by surveyjs Support
The CK Editor saves text as HTML. In our samples for SurveyJS Creator (https://www.surveyjs.io/Examples/Survey-Creator?id=ckeditorpropertyeditor&theme=bootstrap#content-js) and for SurveyJS Library (https://www.surveyjs.io/Examples/Library?id=survey-markdown-radiogroup&platform=jQuery&theme=modern#content-js) we're using 3rd party markdown converter:
JavaScript//Create showdown mardown converter
var converter = new showdown.Converter();
.add(function (survey, options) {
//convert the mardown text to html
var str = converter.makeHtml(options.text);
//remove root paragraphs <p></p>
str = str.substring(3);
str = str.substring(0, str.length - 4);
//set html
options.html = str;
Thanks, Serge
SurveyJS Team