Question T3577
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is triggers only works for radiogroup?

created 5 years ago


it's a simple function, the Name_copy will have the same value is select Yes and will have '' is select No.

and I have two questions here:

  1. it's not work if I change the 'radiogroup' to 'checkbox', so it is only works for 'radiogroup' ? is it possible to make it works for 'checkbox'?
  2. in this exmaple:
{ type: "setvalue", name: "copy", operator: "equal", value: "Yes", setToName: "email", setValue: "" }``` setValue is hardcoded , how can I use the value from other element()? or use the value in javascript code?

Answers approved by surveyjs Support

created 5 years ago

You have to use copyvalue trigger. Here is the example.

Thank you,
SurveyJS Team