Question T3680
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WordPress SurveyJs Plugin to Connect to MS SQL Server

created 5 years ago

I have installed your surveyjs plugin to test and see the survey whether it can fulfill my requirements.

While installing, it creates these two tables - wp_sjs_my_surveys and wp_sjs_results. However, I want these to be created in MS SQL Server rather than wordpress default MYSQL database.

Do you have any documentation or guidance for me to create in SQL Server Database rather than in MYSQL database?

Answers approved by surveyjs Support

created 5 years ago


This question is not related to SurveyJS products directly.
We don't have such an example. In spite of it you can take the database tables structure from the SurveyJS Wordpress plugin source code and use a 3rd party MS SQL DB adapter for wordpress.

Thanks, Serge
SurveyJS Team

    Comments (2)

      Thanks. I can create the table structure as advised.

      I want to keep only this survey in SQL server.

      Do you aware of any SQL adaptor?

      If adaptor exists, how I can connect your surveyjs plugin to third party adaptor of MS SQL Server, please.


        Unfortunately I'm not much of a PHP wordpress programmer. And I can't consult you concerning MS SQL Wordpress adapter. You can try to ask about it on wordpress forums.

        Thanks, Serge
        SurveyJS Team