Question T3810
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css update for buttons in Logic Tab

created 5 years ago (modified 5 years ago)

Hi Surveyjs Team,

I'm not able to update css for button available in logic tab because all button having same class so want to understand if any event available to change button's class and icon before rendering buttons.

And also I'm in need to change order of button available at bottom (save, save & close, cancel).


Show previous comments (4)

    Hello Nitin,
    How is it urgent for you? Probably we will ask our designer to provide the different style for this buttons. If you want to change our new design, then these buttons will have different css classes which you can override. If we do it for the next release on the next week, will it work?

    Thank you,
    SurveyJS Team

      Sure Andrew thanks

      DK DK
      Dmitry Kurmanov 5 years ago

        We've added different css classes for the buttons. Please check the example with the latest survey-creator build:

        It will be available in the next minor update. Thanks.