Question T396
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Validators email won't work under certain conditions

created 7 years ago

Hi everyone,

I couldn't have the email validated with that page conf :

{ name: "email", elements: [ { type: "text", name: "Merci d'indiquer votre email, il servira uniquement pour vous tenir informé(e) des résultats de l'étude.", valueName: "email", isRequired: {{required}}, validators: [ { type: "email", text: "L'email indiqué ne semble pas valide" } ], inputType: "email" } ], visibleIf: "{email}empty" },

I had to change the value name to make work. Probably a confusion with the page name …

{ name: "email", elements: [ { type: "text", name: "Merci d'indiquer votre email, il servira uniquement pour vous tenir informé(e) des résultats de l'étude.", valueName: "email_participant", isRequired: {{required}}, validators: [ { type: "email", text: "L'email indiqué ne semble pas valide" } ], inputType: "email" } ], visibleIf: "{email}empty" },

** valueName: "email_participant",**

Comments (3)

    Hello Eliot,
    Unfortunately, I could you reproduce the issue:
    Could you please help us to reproduce it, so we will be able to fix it?

    Thank you,
    SurveyJS Team

      Sorry, we see the problem now.
      Invalid e-mail value stores in the, as result email is not empty and the page becomes invisible.
      We will make you an example shortly, that will work as expected, by using custom function feature. We will add isEmailValid function that you may use in .

      Thank you,
      SurveyJS Team

      EM EM
      Eliot McAlyster 7 years ago

        You have to add the visibleIf property to the page (called 'email') holding the script.


        created 7 years ago

        Thank you guys ! My first survey is live now and it's working perfectly : )

          Comments (1)

            That is great!

            Thank you,
            SurveyJS Team

            created 7 years ago

            Hello Eliot,

            We've prepared an example for you with custom "isValidEmail" function in the visibleIf expression:
            Please check it.

            Thanks, Serge
            SurveyJS Team