Question T4287
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Survey js image picker - hyperlink in label

created 5 years ago

Hello Team,

Is it possible to have hyperlink text in label for image picker? Also, can we add description kind of thing for every option? If not, is there away to achieve that with some work around.
I will explain you the case. Say we have to choose some gifts and after each gift image, some link like website link, amazon link, etc.

Answers approved by surveyjs Support

created 5 years ago

How do you use this question? Probably you need an html question where you can show images with links. Image Picker is used for selection.
Regarding answering your question, you can use a markdown functionality. Here is the example. You can add a description into text, by using <br/> tag, here is the example, and text with smaller font, using the markdown syntaxes again.

Thank you,
SurveyJS Team

    Show previous comments (1)

      No, we do not have this option and we want to move the ability to render html directly in html question to replace it with markdown or hide the html question by default and show richtext question with markdown support. It is done by security reasons.

      Thank you,
      SurveyJS Team

        That makes sense! And, markdown option works for me. Rather than having image picker, I will have radio buttons and add markdown to add image.
        Thank you :)

          You are welcome!

          SurveyJS Team