The question is not related to the SurveyJS library. Unfortunately I can make only assumptions because I don't know what is happen in your server application.
In our "save survey" method we are passing an object, but not the string to the data parameter
url: "/api/MySurveys/changeJson",
type: "POST",
data: { Id: modelData.Id, Text: editor.text, Json : editor.text }, /// The object is passed here to the server
success: function (data) {
I keep on getting the alert (Error :::)…
Is there go way of how to solve it?
The question is not related to the SurveyJS library. Unfortunately I can make only assumptions because I don't know what is happen in your server application.
In our "save survey" method we are passing an object, but not the string to the
parameter$.ajax({ url: "/api/MySurveys/changeJson", type: "POST", data: { Id: modelData.Id, Text: editor.text, Json : editor.text }, /// The object is passed here to the server success: function (data) { } });
But this is a guess only…
Thanks, Serge
SurveyJS Team