Question T4806
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Is it possible to validate on surveyjs while someone is trying to submit an empty page or question?

created 5 years ago (modified 5 years ago)

[Ticket cloned from T4563: I would like to trigger an event after click  the delete button]

I would like to know if it's possible to validate on surveyjs while someone is trying to submit an empty page or question

Show previous comments (11)

    Hello Team!!
    I have tagbox field, if you the result is not found, I would like to add items without existing in the selections. How do I do that?
    On 8/16/2020 9:15 PM, Andrew Telnov [surveyjs Support] wrote:

      Hello Team!!
      I have tagbox field, if you the result is not found, I would like to add items without existing in the selections. How do I do that?
      On 8/16/2020 9:15 PM, Andrew Telnov [surveyjs Support] wrote:

        I have created the separate ticket. I am investigating the issue. We will be back as soon as we have something.

        PS: Please do not post all questions into the same ticket. All in our team answering on questions and it takes time to understand what should you answer this time.

        Thank you,
        SurveyJS Team