Question T5057
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Survey JS PDF - Dropdown answer font is too small

created 5 years ago


The font size for DropDown answers are too small in the PDF. Here’s a plunkr you can use to test:

I tried using options.controller.fontSize to change the font size of the dropdown in the plunkr above, but it is not take effect. Instead, it is increasing the font size of the questions that come after the dropdown.



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Answers approved by surveyjs Support

created 5 years ago


The options.controller.fontSize used for "generate flat bricks" of new question in render pipeline. If you set it in onRenderQuestion event then it affected on the next questions. To increase size of dropdown question's field you can set options.controller.fontSize, generate dropdown question's flat bricks again via options.repository and return font size back. Here live sample in plunker


Thanks, Alex
SurveyJS Team

    Show previous comments (10)


      We investigated ability to set font size of text inside interactive fields and found a solution. Now we introduce fontSize property for every PdfBrick (element of exported survey in SurveyPDF terms) via this commit (it will available with next minor update). By default this font size equal to controller font size (same as in SurveyPDF options). As a result font size of all parts in matrix have same font size in both display and interactive modes. Below you can see your exported survey with font size equal 10:


      Thanks, Alex
      SurveyJS Team

      SG SG
      saswat.gorkhali 4 years ago

        Hi Alex,

        Has this change been pushed to the latest 1.8.4 version?

        Also, can you please share the plunkr where you implemented this new change?



          This change available from 1.8.1 version. Here is live sample in plunker

          Thanks, Alex
          SurveyJS Team