Issue T5511
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Issue translation tab does not load json if designer tab is hidden

created 4 years ago


Translation tab does not load survey json with single tab visible and it works fine when enabling designer tab.
And we want to use translation with single tab only.


Answers approved by surveyjs Support

created 4 years ago


Translation tab is updating on tab activated. SInce creator has the only tab, updating is not triggered. It's not a common practice to use SurveyJS Creator this way. That's why I recommend you the workaround.

You need to add the following code:

creator.translation.survey = creator.survey;

Here is the updated plunker -

Thanks, Serge
SurveyJS Team

    Show previous comments (6)

      Hello Nitin,

      If you want to, I could create a live sample with one single tab of SurveyJS Creator - logic, translate or test.

      Thanks, Serge
      SurveyJS Team

        Thank you Serge for you ask but right now we are in good shape in terms of loading each tab individually.

          Ok, I believe you'll let me know if any.

          Thanks, Serge
          SurveyJS Team