Question T5916
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Unable to generate charts using results table "json" column

created 4 years ago

Hi Team,

Survey results are stored in "results" table column "json" as key:value pair. For example:

{"How did you find us":"Web search","Capital raised in previous rounds":200000,"Instruments you are using to raise capital":["Convertible","SAFE"],"Geographical Markets":["Home market","South East Asia","Asia Pacific"],"Product/Services":["Supply chain tech / logtech"],"Co-creation":"Yes","Secondary Effects":"Yes","Have paying customers/users":"No","Top three challenges":"1. Competition\n2. Covid\n3. Coronoa\n"}

We are having difficulties in generating our own dashboard, how to overcome this issue?.

is it possible to save as individual table column when 'OnComplete' event is fired?.
or is there any chart libraries which explodes the key:value pair on the fly?.


Answers approved by surveyjs Support

created 4 years ago


SurveyJS Analytics Pack accepts an array of similar JSONs as input data.
Here is the live sample on our site -

Thanks, Serge
SurveyJS Team