Question T5971
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custom widget show blank in survey creator (Survey Designer ,Test)

created 4 years ago (modified 4 years ago)

Hi Team,
I have build one custom component(CameraStream) in react which work fine when run individually. When i am adding same jsx component(CameraStream) as widget(check code in attachment) in survey creator which add successfully, But when it render then render as a black question.

NOTE: afterRender is not call when i set htmlTemplate: <CameraStream Text='Yourself' />, afterRender is call when i set htmlTemplate: "<CameraStream Text='Yourself' />"

For reference i am attaching below files

  1. CameraStream component (this work individually).
  2. camerastreamwidget.js which is a custom widget.
  3. SurveyCreator.js
  4. screenshots of error
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    Hello Serge T,
    Camera code has been written into separate file called CameraStream(refer attachment CameraStream.txt) component, which pass as htmlTemplate: <CameraStream Text='Yourself' />.

    So, Kindly suggest how to pass react component which already working individually, but i want to pass that component to as a surveyjs control.


      Custom widgets are framework-indepoendent. In order to render a react component inside you need to use the "ReactDOM.render" function or write a custom widget in a vanilla JavaScript.
      If you want to use a react component as a custom question type, you can check the file.

      Thanks, Serge
      SurveyJS Team


        Important note.
        At this moment SurveyJS Creator works over the survey-knockout library. That's why if you want to widget to be available in creator you need to implement it in framework-agnostic way.

        Thanks, Serge
        SurveyJS Team