When will the new UI of SurveyJS Creator be available? If we already purchased will we get access to download the new UI update? How will that process go?
New UI of SurveyJS Creator
Answers approved by surveyjs Support
Hello Sam,
On purchasing the license, you will get all updates for purchased libraries during next 12 months from the original purchase. It includes minor and major updates. It means that you will definitely get SurveyJS Creator V2.
Please read License FAQ on the buy page for more information.
Thank you,
SurveyJS Team
Hello Sam,
You can check our test website. It is not ready for Beta yet, since some UI is missed and some will be different, but you can get some ideas.
Here is an example in full window.
Thank you,
SurveyJS Team
Good Day Andrew,
Thank you for the quick reply and the example link, it is looking good so far!
Any rough idea on when the beta will be released?
Thanks again!
Hello Sam,
I am afraid to predict a date. We are mostly working on SurveyJS Creator V2 at the current moment. There are over 20 known bugs, some unfinished tasks: categories in toolbox, element selector in property grid. We do not have design for some tabs or do not finish with it.
To summarize:
In general, the most work is done and all known technical issues are solved and we have to finish non-started task only. However we need to work on design to polish UI, do more testing and write E2E tests (find and fix bugs).
Thank you,
SurveyJS Team