Question T6628
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I'd like to have some general information for surveyCreator 2

created 4 years ago


I heard that surveyCreator 2 has been worked on for a while.

I'd like to know what I can expect from surveyCreator 2


  1. will it be compatible with angular 5?
  2. how will it affect other libraries like surveyPDF, survey-angular
  3. what are the features in surveyCreator 2?
  4. other important / useful information.


Answers approved by surveyjs Support

created 4 years ago


  1. will it be compatible with angular 5? - You will have to use the knockout version of Creator V2. It should work pretty the same.
  2. how will it affect other libraries like surveyPDF, survey-angular - These libraries will be the same. We will have different packaging, but it should not be a problem at all for you.
  3. what are the features in surveyCreator 2 - New UI, and initially it will come with knockout and react versions (knockout rendering and react rendering), similar to library. We will release version for vue later and then we will work on native render for angular (for library and creator).
  4. I suggest to wait a beta at first. We are working hard on it.

We will have a document that will help to migrate to V2 and you may continue to use V1.

Thank you,
SurveyJS Team

    Comments (2)

      Very nice!

      Thanks for the quick and insightful answer.
