I get this error when I add a new page, then drag and drop any item from the toolbox.
I drag an item, it gets on the survey then everything freeze and the error appears.
I used the classic React save approach, just the names are slightly changed.
Codeimport React, { Component } from "react";import * as SurveyCreator from "survey-creator";import "survey-knockout/survey.css";import "survey-creator/survey-creator.css";import "./index.css";SurveyCreator.StylesManager.applyTheme("modern");class SurveyCreatorBuilder extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); } componentDidMount() { const creatorOptions = {}; const creator = new SurveyCreator.SurveyCreator("creatorElement", creatorOptions); creator.showToolbox = "right"; creator.showPropertyGrid = "right"; creator.rightContainerActiveItem("toolbox"); creator.isAutoSave = true; creator.showState = true; const localStorageName = "SaveLoadSurveyCreatorExample"; creator.saveSurveyFunc = function(saveNo, callback) { window.localStorage.setItem(localStorageName, creator.text); callback(saveNo, true); }; const defaultJSON = {}; creator.text = window.localStorage.getItem(localStorageName) || JSON.stringify(defaultJSON); } render() { return ( <div id="creatorElement" /> ); }}export default SurveyCreatorBuilder;
I want to mention that this can also be reproduced in the CodeSandBox https://codesandbox.io/s/okn0i link you provided. Kepp adding pages and drag and drop items.
Also , I updated to the latest version 1.8.39, the error still persists.
I was able to reproduce the issue. We will take a look.
Thank you,
SurveyJS Team