Suggestion T6795
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How does the user validate the signature pad response?

created 4 years ago

Hi Survey JS team,
I want to check with you about the ways the user can use to validate the signature uploaded using the signature pad.
Right now, the signature pad answer is saved as base64 code in the survey response json. And it seems like the table form and analytics panel both don't support visualization of the signature.

How can the user get the visualization of the signature uploaded? Is it by pdf exporting?
Thanks for the help!

Comments (1)


    I think we can show signature in table view as an image. It also should be shown in a PDF document. We'll check whether it works and update this thread immediately.

    Thanks, Serge
    SurveyJS Team

    Answers approved by surveyjs Support

    created 4 years ago


    I've implemented showing signature in a table data representation via the commit.
    This functionality will be available in the nearest minor update.

    Survey PDF exporter already supports the signaturepad question type, you can check this demo -

    Thanks, Serge
    SurveyJS Team

      Comments (2)


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