Question T682
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We have closed this ticket because another page addresses its subject:

bind a with radio button choices

Options of a radio Button Dynamically

created 7 years ago

How to add dynamic radio button and their pannels using
for example:
result: [{"AppplicantType":"Primary","FirstName":"Meery"},{"FirstName":"mathews","AppplicantType":"Spouse"},{"AppplicantType":"Dependent","FirstName":"zandle"}]

this is the result we get after the survey is complete we need to create radio button based on applicant type and there data for emample here we need to build a page which ask

support provided for the users ?

if we select zadlee then ask cofirmation question means for each we need to ask dynamically ?


created 7 years ago

I have read your question several times. Unfortunately, I could not understand it.
Could you please, ask somebody to check your English from your team. We are not native English speakers either and we know it may be difficult to explain your task in a different language.
However, we really could not help you. I'm re-reading your questions by many times and hardly understand what you mean…

Thank you,
SurveyJS Team

    Comments (2)

      ok sorry for my english

        Is it a duplicate of this question - ?