Question T6902
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Angular version support for the latest surveyjs version

created 4 years ago (modified 4 years ago)

Hi. we are currently using '1.8.21' for surveyjs and '10.1.6' for angular.

we are trying to upgrade surveyjs to the latest version. however, some of the unit test and e2e test failed. we would like to know what is the official angular version that surveyjs can support.


Comments (3)


    I dont't see any objections to use SurveyJS in Angular 10x. It depends on what exact tests were broken. It can be bugs or it can be some changes in markup or functionality. If you describe the exact cases we could check it.

    Thanks, Serge
    SurveyJS Team

      Hi. Serge

      could you upgrade package.json in angular samples so we can use it as reference.

      we also noticed that 'onUpdateQuestionCssClasses' is not fired when value of the question is changed.

      it was fired when we used surveyjs 1.8.21



        Sorry, at this moment I don't understand what exact package versions you are using and what exact scenario (probably related to your custom code) I should check.
        At this moment you better understand your case and is would be great if you could share a minimal live sample illustrating it.

        Thanks, Serge
        SurveyJS Team