Question T7274
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Adding in a Button that takes you to a next Panel rather than a next Page

created 4 years ago

Hi there,

After my users have finished with a dropdown panel of questions, i would like it so that they can "complete" the panel and then the current panel closes and causes the next panel to open.

Is there a way to adda button in survey JS ? If there isn't what would be a way to do it outside ?


Answers approved by surveyjs Support

created 4 years ago


Is there a way to add a button in survey JS ?

In short the answer is yes. You haven't described your scenario in details thus my answer will be rather general.

You can use the event to add a custom button to a panel. In your button click handler you can find the a panel using the method of a survey model or the method to iterate through all panels to find a panel. Panel has the and methods to control it content visibility.

In order to check whether the panel is completed you can iterate through the of the panel and check the method of the every question in this panel.

Thanks, Serge
SurveyJS Team