Question T7312
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Error with choice making in matrix

created 3 years ago (modified 3 years ago)

I've just started using survey.js and its a really powerful tool for creating surveys.

There is an error somewhere in my survey

i have used a couple of these matrix, but at some point, some stopped functioning.
The first 10 matrix work perfectly but the next ones, as soon as i press a choice on a row, it auto selects the bottom collumn's choice and i can only choose 1 in the entirety of the matrix, even if im picking in another row.

Please help me figure out what's wrong.
Or is there a limit to how many matrix can be used?

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    i use these files to make and see my survey in action.
    (the survey is written in my native language but it shouldnt really matter)
    so basically, the error happens after question number 20, excluded.
    when i choose an option in those matrix questions, it doesnt select the one i choose, but the one in the bottom of that collumn. From what i've seen, my code is similar/equal to the questions 1 to 20, but for some reason, at question number 21 and beyond, the matrix stops working as intended.
    thanks, awaiting response

      Here is your example.
      Please provide steps one by one, the current result and expected result.

      Thank you,
      SurveyJS Team

        As you can see from the Clipboard-File-1.png, the matrix is working just fine in that particular question with only one choice per row and the choice may vary with collumn.

        However, when i click a choice in the question: "Indique o seu nível de concordância com as seguintes afirmações", they autofill the rows. So if i were to choose collumn 1 for the first row, i couldnt choose collumn 2 for the second row, because it would autofill the collumn 2 and unchoose collumn 1

        I really dont know how to explain it in a better way
        but basically, until a determined question number, the matrix works fine (i can click a choice in seperate rows and they have different values). But at some point during the survey, the matrix auto-fills the rows with the same choice for all the rows. Please do try it yourself.

        i dont understand if its a coding error or just a bug
        but i would really appreciate some help


        (edited: actually i found something that might explain it somewhat better, as you can see in "Clipboard-File-4.png", under the collumn 2 i have chosen the option with the dotted box but for some reason it selects the bottom choice)


        created 3 years ago

        Nevermind im a dumbass, it was a problem with my code in which i didnt assign a value to the elements of the rows

        thank you nonetheless for the support


          Comments (1)

            Glad to hear that you have solved the issue.

            Thank you,
            SurveyJS Team