Question T7731
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Matrix with right-hand side text

created 3 years ago

I'm trying to have several ratings aligned underneath each other to create a questionnaire consisting of a "semantic differential", a common format in psychological instruments. Essentially, the format is like this:
left-hand text o o o o o right-hand text
left-hand text o o o o o right-hand text

With the Matrix structure in SurveyJS I seem to only be able to specify a left-hand side text in the form of a row text. With the Rating structure in SurveyJS I can specify both a minRateDescription and maxRateDescription, but the buttons (o o o o o) will not be aligned in the same way when the length of these descriptions differ - and there will be extra space and titles between the rows.

Is there any possibility of creating a semantic differential matrix in SurveyJS?

Thank you for your consideration.

Show previous comments (2)

    Hello Frans,
    Here is the example. It is not the same, but it is close.

    Thank you,
    SurveyJS Team

      Hi Andrew,

      Thank you! Super quick and good example. I'll fiddle around a bit more with css styles to fix the alignment - I foresee that that'll be possible now.


        SurveyJS Team