Question T7746
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Using savePdfAsString mess up French characters for HTML questions

created 3 years ago


As the title states when using savePdfAsString to generate a PDF, the HTML questions containing French charachters (é, è, ç, à, …) are not showing properly.
Please see this plunkr to generate a pdf using the "save as string" button, and the attached pictures below.
PS: Using {htmlRenderAs: "image"} makes any html content containing these characters disappear all together from the generated PDF.

Answers approved by surveyjs Support

created 3 years ago


We've investigated that issue and found that jspdf's "output" method, which we use, creates a string with incorrect encoding in presence of custom fonts, which can't be inserted in Blob for further downloading. We've created a workaround and updated your plunker.

SurveyJS Team