Question T8079
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Set score for ranking type of questions

created 3 years ago

Hello all,

I want to score (or add a custom value) the answers in a ranking question, based on how the answers are ranked.
I've been looking all over the examples and surveyjs Support page for this, without luck.

Let me explain: my survey has ranking questions, each question with 5 answers.
I want to setup a scoring system like this: the answer on the first place in the ranking matrix gets a score of 5, the second place answer gets a score of 4 and so on until the last ranked answer, which gets a score of 1.
On complete, I need to have beside the values of the answers, also the scores, from 5 to 1, depending on how the answers were ranked in the question.

All I could find in examples was how to set a specific score for answers, but not upon ranking.

Can you please give me a small example and I'll take it from there?

Thank you.

Answers approved by surveyjs Support

created 3 years ago


Here is the working plunker sample with scoring in SurveyJS -
Hope this helps

Thanks, Serge
SurveyJS Team

    Show previous comments (7)

      Thank you very very much, Andrew.

        Hi Andrew,

        I discovered a very strange behavior of the survey from the last example you provided. Here is the updated example.

        When ranking answers, if you move just 1mm up or down any of the answers and then release, just for them to have a position assigned (not changing their location among answers) at the end of the survey, the questions are repeated again although the answers are ranked.
        I created a small video to show this.

        Where could the issue be?

        Thank you in advance.


          I created a separate ticket on your behalf: T8109: Ranking question - ranks are set even no changes we performed. We placed it in our processing queue and will process it shortly.

          Thanks, Serge
          SurveyJS Team