Question T8383
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Repeat questions

created 3 years ago


I am trying to do the below

401: REIT Questions
402: REIT Questions
403: Add another property?
Repeat 401, 402, 403 (20 times, or ad infinitum)

Currently, I have to manually add them which doesnt seem to be efficient. Is there a quick way to do this in the survey designer?

Thanks in advance!

Answers approved by surveyjs Support

created 3 years ago

You can copy questions in Creator, you can put questions into Toolbar and then reuse it. You can put these questions into panel (container) and then copy the panel.
You can use panel dynamic and instead of question IF YES, have a button "Add new property". Here is the example.
Finally, you can create a composite component. It will require coding, but in this case, you will be able to re-use it in different surveys.
I feel that panel dynamic is the solution for your scenario, but I could be wrong.

Thank you,
SurveyJS Team