Question T8444
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Store surveyId in survey JS creator in not happening

created 3 years ago

In the surveyJS creator, how can I add surveyId which will automatically show and id (Like we use in It will show us and id)

Currently it is showing as null in my project. (I am using version 1 in react)


If you can provide a sandbox to check, its much better.
Thank you.

Answers approved by surveyjs Support

created 3 years ago

Hello Silvya,
I believe you are talking about a database Id. You don't need to store it in SurveyJS Creator, you need this Id on the client to save survey JSON definition. Please review the integration document.
Your task is not related to SurveyJS Libraries, since they are client libraries. The answer on your question is highly depends on server platform and database you use. Please find the answer on corresponded forums.

Thank you,