Question T8446
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Survey create is not responsive for mobile

created 3 years ago


In survey creator, once I created the survey and the select "Test Survey" I am able to check the responsive. It is a good feature. But the responsive is not good enough. Most of the users use mobile to fill the survey.
I have added the responsive view sample image. Please take a look.
Screenshot 2021-12-28 152829.png

Please provide a solution for this. Better if add a sandbox to explain how we can align the UI and make it responsive to all mobile devices.

Thank you

Answers approved by surveyjs Support

created 3 years ago

End-users use SurveyJS Library to fill the survey and not the Creator. SurveyJS Library supports mobile.
We added responsibility support into Creator V2.

Thank you,
SurveyJS Team

    Show previous comments (2)

      The "Test survey" option shows how an answer survey page looks no? If we are going to use survey js library why do we need to have a tab to view responsive? It doesn't make sense.

      Thank you


        Andrew meant the whole survey creator, not the mobile preview frame. As for mobile preview frame, at this moment SurveyJS Library responsibility is implemented via CSS media queries. CSS media queries are set up for some boundary screen width and this is why they're not applied in the mobile preview frame. I've added corresponding engineering task in our TODO list -

        Thanks, Serge
        SurveyJS Team

          Hello Silvya,
          OK, got it. Sorry about misunderstanding, for some reason I believed you were talking about Survey Creator widget in general. Your talking about preview in mobile mode.
          We have this issue in our task. Serge explained the technical issue that we faced.

          Thank you,
          SurveyJS Team