Question T8522
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We have closed this ticket because another page addresses its subject:

Matrix with single input cell issue

Js error after build prod with angular

created 3 years ago (modified 3 years ago)

After 'ng build --configuration=production' this piece code:

QuestionMatrixDropdownModelBase.prototype.hasErrorInRows = function (fireCallback, rec) { var _this = this; if (!this.generatedVisibleRows) { var rows = this.visibleRows; } var res = false; if (!rec) rec = {}; rec.isSingleDetailPanel = this.detailPanelMode === "underRowSingle"; for (var i = 0; i < this.generatedVisibleRows.length; i++) { res = this.generatedVisibleRows[i].hasErrors(fireCallback, rec, function () { _this.raiseOnCompletedAsyncValidators(); }) || res; } return res; }

Before build:

with be compiled to this:

t.prototype.hasErrorInRows = function (e, t) { var n = this, i = !1; t || (t = {}), t.isSingleDetailPanel = "underRowSingle" === this.detailPanelMode; for (var o = 0; o < this.generatedVisibleRows.length; o++)i = this.generatedVisibleRows[o].hasErrors(e, t, function () { n.raiseOnCompletedAsyncValidators() }) || i; return i }

After build:

as you can see this part

if (!this.generatedVisibleRows) { var rows = this.visibleRows; }

was removed and it causes a js error and the survey is not displayed :

I have to mention that the problem reproduced when we use the matrix components.

I appreciate your help.

Answers approved by surveyjs Support

created 3 years ago

Hello Houssem,
Here is the duplicated issue. I have answered there.
If you could help us to reproduce the issue, it would be great.

Thank you,
SurveyJS Team