Hi Team,
I am trying to setup "https://github.com/surveyjs/surveyjs" on windows machine followed the instruction and downloaded all the required libraries.
after run command "karma start". when I run on the chrome browse with below url it displays screenshot attached.
Muhammad Saifuddin
Hello Muhammad,
karma start
runs unit tests, as written in the readme.mdYou can start the project via the standard
npm start
command:npm start
This command will run local http server at the http://localhost:7777
You can open http://localhost:7777/examples/knockout to view KnockoutJS samples, http://localhost:7777/examples/react to view ReactJS samples and so on
Probably this was not obvious and I've added corresponding text to the readme.md file.
Thanks, Serge
SurveyjS Team
Thanks Serge for your reply.