I was reading the SurveyJS Documentation, because I would like implement your questionnaires templates using a styles from the external libraries of React (external components). I found the React Select (https://surveyjs.io/Examples/Library/?id=custom-widget-react-select&platform=Reactjs&theme=modern#content-js)), however, I didn't found more examples…Is it possible to override an input question using a Custom Input Component…or a Checkbox question. Is it possible that you can provide me more examples with other types of questions and different externals libraries of react
Overriding React Components
Answers approved by surveyjs Support
This example shows the way how you can override any type of SurveyJS question with a 3rd party component. You can take it as a starting point and modify it according your needs. Can you tell - what exact issues do you have with it?
Thanks, Serge
SurveyJS Team
Hello Serge again!
Do you have an example of override a checkbox component in react that you can share with me ?..If Yes, it would be great. Also I have a question: if I have to override a checkbox question, what class should I use?..I was reading documentation but I didn't find this information. When I explored the different class in my editor I found theses ones:
SurveyQuestionCheckbox and SurveyQuestionCheckboxItem, but I am not sure what should be use
I hope your answer
Thank you in advance