Question T8815
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Overriding React Components

created 3 years ago (modified 3 years ago)

I was reading the SurveyJS Documentation, because I would like implement your questionnaires templates using a styles from the external libraries of React (external components). I found the React Select (, however, I didn't found more examples…Is it possible to override an input question using a Custom Input Component…or a Checkbox question. Is it possible that you can provide me more examples with other types of questions and different externals libraries of react

Answers approved by surveyjs Support

created 3 years ago


This example shows the way how you can override any type of SurveyJS question with a 3rd party component. You can take it as a starting point and modify it according your needs. Can you tell - what exact issues do you have with it?

Thanks, Serge
SurveyJS Team

    Show previous comments (2)

      Hello Serge again!

      Do you have an example of override a checkbox component in react that you can share with me ?..If Yes, it would be great. Also I have a question: if I have to override a checkbox question, what class should I use?..I was reading documentation but I didn't find this information. When I explored the different class in my editor I found theses ones:
      SurveyQuestionCheckbox and SurveyQuestionCheckboxItem, but I am not sure what should be use
      I hope your answer
      Thank you in advance

        Here is the working example.

        Thank you,
        SurveyJS Team

          thank you