Question T9251
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Padding Below Question Input Area When Scrolling Down Long Page

created 3 years ago

I've got some surveys that can be quite long on a page. As you tab through them, it will scroll up to focus on the next question. But it is doing it directly flush with the bottom of the page. I've been trying several different elements to put a padding-bottom on to give me some space, but have not found the right one. In the attached image you can see how it is right against the bottom. I have a gotten a much more complicated solution with element selectors and the getBoundingClientRect function to do some viewport calculations and scrolling, but want to see if there is an easier way that I'm just overlooking.

Answers approved by surveyjs Support

created 3 years ago


Could you share a minimal live example to reproduce the issue or the exact steps to reproduce it in our online demos -

Thanks, Serge
SurveyJS Team