Question T9335
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How to replace remove icon in matrix dynamic with a button?

created 3 years ago (modified 3 years ago)

[Ticket cloned from T9330: Revert certain question styling]

Hi Andrew, one more quick question: I can see that the "trash" icon is replaced by a "Remove" button depending on the screen size. Could you tell me if it is possible just to have the button "Remove" at all times instead?

Also, do you know why sd_question_answered_title in my version would not highlight the question number, but just the text?
I've followed your example by doing:

SurveyReact.StylesManager.applyTheme('defaultV2'); SurveyReact.defaultV2Css.question.titleOnAnswer = 'sd_question_answered_title';
.sd_question_answered_title { background-color: lightblue; padding: 5px; }


Comments (2)

    I have introduced a new functionality in v1.9.28. Here is the related issue on GitHub.
    You will need to call the following code:
    Survey.settings.matrixRenderRemoveAsIcon = false;.

    Thank you,
    SurveyJS Team

    JS JS
    John Stevenson 3 years ago

      Thank you for the quick turnaround!