Is there a way that I can change the changed question style inside the onValueChanged handler? I try to use const element = options.question.element;
and set the style property, but this doesnt work in all elements, and I want to change the style for date input ?
Change question css style onValueChanged
created 3 years ago
(modified 3 years ago)
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Answers approved by surveyjs Support
You can't do it. What do you want to achieve?
Thank you,
SurveyJS Team
I am showing the date input values with a bolder font and a blue color if there is a value, and normal font gray color if no value(which means the date place holder will show mm/dd/yyy). On inital load I am able to achieve this using the onAfterRenderQuestion event, but for example when a empty date is provided with a value, the color and font weight should be changed. Dont know if something like this is possible.
3 years ago
You can simply add your css name to question answered style.
CodeSurvey.defaultV2Css.question.answered += " yourClassName";
Here is the example.
Thank you,
SurveyJS Team