Question T9668
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Rendering Issue

created 3 years ago

As reported in , and on we are having issues with the Library not rendering the survey body on vue and nuxt with both Library and Creator modules enabled

A codesandbox that shows this in action is at:

Click Library from the top menu. Just the form header is displayed. Refresh the page to have the form body rendered. We have noticed that if the Creator module is not present, this behavior does not happen.

Answers approved by surveyjs Support

created 3 years ago

Hello Todd,
We will take a look.

Thank you,
SurveyJS Team

    Comments (1)

      Hello Todd,
      OK, it took a while to understand the cause of the issue. We have updated the Sandbox.
      It has nothing to do with Nuxt. The short answer: You can't use "survey-vue-ui" package together with "survey-creator-knockout". Please remove "survey-vue-ui" and use "survey-vue".
      The explanation is the following.
      "survey-creator-knockout" and "survey-vue-ui" share the same "survey-core" instance. However, knockout modifies survey-core objects to make them observable, it is a knockout thing. After that survey-vue-ui, could not work with survey-core objects and goes nuts.
      The easy solution is to remove "survey-vue-ui" and start to use the bundle "survey-vue", that has survey-core internally and knockout doesn't modify these objects.

      We are working on Angular rendering for Library and Creator. After that we will work on Vue3 rendering for Library and Creator. After that you be able to remove survey-creator-knockout and use "survey-creator-vue" that we will develop. However, it will be in October-November. Unfortunately, I can't give a better estimation right now.

      Thank you,
      SurveyJS Team