Question T9946
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Can Order Random in Choices, Rows, and Columns be excluded from certain views?

created 3 years ago


I have to use the Order Random of Choice, Rows, and Columns except for certain views.
For example, the following.

1 label1 -> random
2 label2 -> random
3 label3 -> random
4 label4 -> no random
none Not
other if Others

We know that None and Other are excluded from Order Random, but we cannot find a way to exclude only certain views for the rest of the views.

Please reply as soon as possible.
Thank you.

Answers approved by surveyjs Support

created 3 years ago

We do not have this functionality out of the box.
You can add a new property into itemvalue:
Survey.Serializer.addProperty("itemvalue", { name: "excludeFromRandom:boolean" });.
And then override Survey Helper randomizeArray function.
Here is the working example.

Thank you,
SurveyJS Team