Question T9995
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Surveys question: data security

created 2 years ago

Dear Developers @ Surveyjs,

We found your offering interesting, especially due to the flexibility that you offer. I have a question regarding the data populated in the JSON file that we use to render the survey to the end user using your library. Does the data in the JSON get sent out? We ask because of data security.

How is it the case when we use the licensed Survey Creator?

Thanks and regards,


Answers approved by surveyjs Support

created 2 years ago

Hello Sam,

We are client JavaScript Libraries. There is no reason for us to make any call to the server.
We have our own cloud (data-storage). It was created for the fast start with our libraries. Some developers do not want to create their  own service/database initially.
If you do not specify the following properties in survey model: surveyId, surveyPostId and sendResult function we will not and we can’t touch your data.
surveyId and surveyPostId, have to be a valid Guid values of our service.
We are always say, that we would prefer if our service is used for test purposes only. However, some companies/people use it in production and we are not happy with it.

To be 100% save, you can change the following property Survey.settings.surveyServiceUrl.

Thank you,
SurveyJS Team
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